Raspberry Peach Jam Recipe

Raspberry Peach Jam is a delightful blend of sweet, tangy raspberries and juicy, fragrant peaches, making it a perfect addition to your breakfast table. This homemade jam is easy to prepare and captures the essence of summer in a jar. Whether you’re spreading it on toast, drizzling it over pancakes, or using it as a filling for pastries, this jam is sure to become a family favorite. Plus, it makes a wonderful gift for friends and family during the holiday season.

Overview of the Recipe
This Raspberry Peach Jam combines the best of both fruits, balancing the tartness of raspberries with the sweetness of peaches. The recipe uses fresh, ripe fruits, sugar, lemon juice for acidity, and liquid pectin to achieve the perfect set. The preparation is simple, requiring minimal ingredients and just a few steps. The jam is cooked on the stovetop, then preserved in sterilized jars to ensure it stays fresh for months.

History and Origin
Jam-making is a centuries-old tradition, with origins in preserving the harvest. Fruit jams were a way to enjoy the flavors of summer throughout the year. Raspberries and peaches are both native to Asia, but they have been cultivated in Europe and North America for centuries. This particular combination of raspberries and peaches offers a unique twist on classic jam recipes, reflecting a blend of European and American culinary traditions.


  • 2 cups fresh raspberries
  • 2 cups peeled and chopped peaches
  • 4 cups sugar
  • 1/4 cup lemon juice
  • 1 pouch liquid pectin


  1. Prepare the Fruit
    • Begin by thoroughly washing the raspberries under cool running water. Allow them to drain well in a colander.
    • For the peaches, blanch them in boiling water for about 30 seconds, then transfer them immediately to an ice water bath. This process makes peeling easier. Once peeled, chop the peaches into small, bite-sized pieces.
  2. Combine Ingredients
    • In a large, heavy-bottomed pot, combine the raspberries, chopped peaches, sugar, and lemon juice. Stir the mixture well to ensure the sugar is evenly distributed among the fruit.
  3. Cook the Jam
    • Place the pot over medium heat and bring the mixture to a boil, stirring frequently. As the fruit heats, it will begin to release its juices, and the sugar will dissolve.
    • Once the mixture reaches a full boil, continue cooking for about 5 minutes. During this time, use a potato masher to gently crush the fruit, breaking it down to your desired consistency.
  4. Add the Pectin
    • After 5 minutes of boiling and mashing, add the liquid pectin to the pot. Stir the mixture thoroughly to ensure the pectin is evenly incorporated.
    • Increase the heat slightly to bring the jam back to a rolling boil. Allow it to boil for an additional 1-2 minutes, stirring constantly to prevent the jam from sticking to the bottom of the pot.
  5. Skim and Jar the Jam
    • Remove the pot from the heat. Skim off any foam that may have formed on the surface using a spoon. This step is important for ensuring a clear, smooth jam.
    • Carefully ladle the hot jam into sterilized jars, leaving about 1/4 inch of headspace at the top. This space is crucial for proper sealing.
    • Wipe the rims of the jars with a clean, damp cloth to remove any residue that could prevent sealing. Place the lids on the jars and screw the bands on tightly.
  6. Process the Jars
    • Place the filled jars in a boiling water bath, ensuring they are fully submerged. Process them for 10 minutes to seal the jars and ensure the jam is shelf-stable.
    • After 10 minutes, carefully remove the jars from the water bath and place them on a kitchen towel. Allow them to cool completely, undisturbed, for 12-24 hours.
  7. Check the Seals
    • Once the jars are cooled, check the seals by pressing down on the center of each lid. If the lid doesn’t pop back, the jar is properly sealed. If any jars have not sealed, refrigerate them and use them within a few weeks.

Serving Suggestions
Raspberry Peach Jam is incredibly versatile. It pairs wonderfully with a variety of foods. Spread it on warm, buttered toast, or mix it into yogurt for a fruity twist. This jam also makes a delicious filling for pastries, such as turnovers or thumbprint cookies. You can even use it as a glaze for roasted chicken or as a topping for vanilla ice cream.

Pairing and Serving Suggestions

  • Breakfast: Serve the jam with freshly baked scones, croissants, or pancakes. It also pairs well with cream cheese on bagels.
  • Desserts: Use Raspberry Peach Jam as a filling for cakes or tarts. It complements creamy desserts like panna cotta or cheesecake.
  • Savory Dishes: For a sweet-savory combination, serve the jam alongside grilled meats like chicken or turkey. It also works well as a condiment on a charcuterie board, especially with mild cheeses.

Variations of the Recipe

  • Low-Sugar Version: If you prefer a less sweet jam, reduce the sugar to 3 cups. You may need to increase the cooking time slightly to achieve the desired consistency.
  • Spiced Raspberry Peach Jam: Add a teaspoon of ground cinnamon or ginger to the fruit mixture for a warm, spiced flavor.
  • Mixed Berry Peach Jam: Substitute half of the raspberries with blackberries or blueberries for a mixed berry variation.
  • Herbed Jam: Stir in a tablespoon of finely chopped fresh mint or basil just before filling the jars for a refreshing twist.

Health Benefits
Raspberry Peach Jam, while sweet, offers some health benefits due to its fruit content. Raspberries are rich in dietary fiber, vitamins C and K, and antioxidants, which help combat oxidative stress and support heart health. Peaches provide vitamin A, vitamin C, and dietary fiber, contributing to healthy skin, immune function, and digestion. However, due to the high sugar content, it’s best to enjoy this jam in moderation.


  1. Can I use frozen fruit for this recipe?
    Yes, you can use frozen raspberries and peaches if fresh fruit is not available. Thaw the fruit completely and drain any excess liquid before using it in the recipe.
  2. How long will the jam last?
    Properly sealed and processed jars of Raspberry Peach Jam can last up to one year when stored in a cool, dark place. Once opened, refrigerate the jam and use it within 3-4 weeks.
  3. What if my jam doesn’t set?
    If your jam doesn’t set, you can try reheating it with a little more pectin. Alternatively, use it as a syrup for pancakes or ice cream.
  4. Can I double the recipe?
    Yes, the recipe can be doubled. However, ensure you use a large enough pot to prevent the jam from boiling over. You may also need to extend the cooking time slightly.
  5. Is it necessary to use pectin?
    While pectin helps the jam set, you can make jam without it. The jam will be softer and may require longer cooking to reach the desired thickness.

Raspberry Peach Jam is a delicious and versatile treat that captures the flavors of summer. With its balance of sweet peaches and tangy raspberries, this jam is perfect for spreading on toast, serving with desserts, or gifting to loved ones. The recipe is straightforward, making it accessible even for beginner jam-makers. By following the detailed instructions, you can create a batch of homemade jam that will bring joy to your breakfast table and beyond. Whether enjoyed immediately or preserved for later, this Raspberry Peach Jam is sure to become a cherished part of your culinary repertoire.

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